WInona Amateur Radio Club
WInona Amateur Radio Club
Winona Amateur Radio Club (WARC) is located in Winona, Minnesota.
WInona Amateur Radio Club
WInona Amateur Radio Club
The club was founded in 1945.
Winona Amateur Radio Club
Winona Amateur Radio Club
We are an ARRL affiliated club.

Latest News

Upcoming Public Service Events – Mark Your Calendars

We have several high profile events coming up this summerand fall, we will need many volunteers to make them happen […]

WARC at the Fair

July 10, Winona County Fair 4pm-8pm. We will be joining other public safety groups like police, fire, first responders, auxiliary […]

North Star Radio Convention Seeking Speakers and Volunteers

Several opportunities are available to assist at the North Star Radio Convention – Minnesota’s ARRL State Convention. Have a great […]

Upcoming Events

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The club operates 4 repeaters in the Winona area. All 4 support analog FM and 3 support Yaesu System Fusion.
Click here for frequency, tone, and offset information
The club operates a remote HF station at the Witoka repeater site. The station is open to use by members of the club.
For more information on the staion and how to use it click here.
Club members have been experimenting with OSLR-based mesh networking technologies on the amateur bands, with plans for a wider area rollout in the spring and summer of 2020.
Click here to get involved.
W0NE has a packet node and Winlink Gateway available for use by area hams. The node has connectivity to many other nodes and stations throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin.
For more information on the node, click here.

Club Officers

Lance, AD0UT

Lance, AD0UT

Paul, K0ZYV

Paul, K0ZYV

Vice President


Harro, KG6RLM

Harro, KG6RLM

Mike, W0IH

Mike, W0IH


Board Members

Marv Rodvold
Board Member

Justin McElmury
Board Member

Standing Committee Chairs

Program - Paul Schumacher K0ZYV

Repeater Trustee - Mike Foerster W0IH

Digital Systems - Clare Jarvis K0NY & Les Hittner K0BAD

Operating Activities - Lance Tagliapietra AD0UT

Public Service - Dan Goltz - WK0W

Education and Outreach - Paul Schumacher K0ZYV

Hamgram Editor - Sam Resto KF0ACN

WARC Publicity Coordinator - Open

Webmaster - Ben Kuhn KU0HN

Contact Us


Want to join in on the fun and support Amateur Radio in the area? You do not need an Amateur Radio license to join.

WARC annual dues for an individual membership are $30.00 per year and are payable in December of each year. A family membership is also offered. If you have two or more family members living at the same address you may all become members for $35.00 per year. Dues for first-time members who join after March are $2.00 per month through the end of the calendar year. Annual dues for those Elementary through High School age students whose parents are not club members shall be an annual fee of $5.00 until they finish High School or turn 18 years of age. Newly Licensed Amateur Radio operators receive a complimentary year of Club membership..

Dues can be sent to the address below. Make sure you include your name and call sign (if licensed). If it is a family membership include names of all who will be members.

Winona Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
PO Box 1451
Winona, MN 55987


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