W0NE Packet Node Information
The W0NE-7 packet node is located at the Witoka repeater site. There are two VHF ports, one on 145.030MHz and another on 145.670MHz. The antenanas are at 300 and 350ft AGL, so coverage is very good. All of the applications below are available on either port.
145.670MHz provides access to the Minnesota state-wide packet network. This network does not pass BBS-to-BBS traffic, but can be used to access other BBSs or PBBSs and leave messages, as well as connect keyboard-to-keyboard to other packet users throughout the state. It is possible to connect as far Northeast as Two Harbors, and hop across Lake Superior to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
145.030MHz is used by packet stations over a large part of Wisconsin. Nodes in La Crosse Sparta, and Galesville are easily accessible, and when conditions are good it’s possible to connect as far as W9SM in Wausau, and from there to nodes as far east as Green Bay.
The following applications are available on either port using the SSIDs below. It is also possible to–with the exception of Winlink–connect to the node at W0NE-7 and access the different applications from the node.
SSID | Application |
W0NE-7 | Node |
W0NE-1 | BBS |
W0NE-10 | Winlink Gateway |
W0NE-11 | Chat Server |
Connecting to the node will permit you to connect to other nodes on the network. The BBS will allow the exchange of messages with other hams all over the world. The Winlink Gateway allows for the exchange of regular email over the air. The Chat server allows real-time communication between hams. The chat server can be linked to chat servers on other BPQ nodes for increased coverage.
Additional Resources
General packet primer covering history, nodes, BBSs, etc… This is a must read – http://www.choisser.com/packet/part01.html
Map of packet nodes accessible from the node, prepared and maintained by W9GM – https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=18XWSR7ftCi1Sa4zPQ_5HxNZ3saF8kOLj&ll=43.93130307106733%2C-90.47682806964214&z=8
Another map of packet stations prepared and maintained by John, N0DZQ – https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=176Oi1iKO544jjkQZ0cfCTsDpYc8&ll=46.83561451042887-90.94630866304115&z=7
Winlink tutorial and how-to videos – https://www.winlink.org/tags/tutorial
PAT Winlink client for non-Windows users – https://getpat.io
BPQ node commands and documentation – https://www.cantab.net/users/john.wiseman/Documents/Commands.htm
Packet Radio Presentation from the May 2021 Club Meeting – https://w0ne.org/wp-content/uploads/bsk-pdf-manager/2022/01/Packet-Radio-101.pdf
Still need help? Contact Ben – KU0HN via email, the email reflector, or by using the contact form.