The story of Winona, from the native American encampments to the lumber, wheat, steamboating and railroads, even actress Wynona Ryder, is meticulously kept at the Winona County Historical Society. Now the story of the Winona Amateur Radio Club is at the society’s museum as well.

A full collection of the club newsletter, The Hamgram, numerous digital images, and a lengthy collection of newspaper articles about the club was presented to the historical society in July. The newsletter collection was kept by the Brom family, probably starting with Paul Brom, WØLUX, (sk) then his nephew Erik Brom, WBØNIU, (sk) and Jodie Brom, NØOUT. Les Hittner, KØBAD, contributed logs and QSL cards from the club’s Shakespeare Festival special event station, N2B.

The club has other connections with the historical society. A number of club members programmed and set up the society’s computer system. And for a number of years the club set up an amateur radio station at the society’s headquarters as part of its open house.